Uncover the hot blonde - The screen is covered with 20 neutral cards. You and your opponent i.e. girl are given 6 cards each. Each player needs to cover lower neutral card (having the same suite) with yours. Once you do this, you will get a new card in place of old one. The same rule applies to your opponent. However, if you don’t have a card to cover; you can pass on the turn to the opponent. She can do the same thing if she doesn’t have an appropriate card to cover.
Whoever scores most neutral card win the set. If you win, you will see a glimpse of a hot blonde. And, on winning the whole game you will see a hot erotic show live on your PC Screen.
Play this game as it’s a good time pass to beat loneliness.
Game source: stripparadise.com
Game engine: javascript
Game tags: HTML Pornstar Strip