The Intruder of Hikari Academy - Inari Sensei has got job as a teacher in prestigious girl’s college Hikari Academy. It boasts of most beautiful, elegant, well-mannered girls. The girls become successful after passing out from school. You are really excited to work in this school. It will enhance your career. But when you enter their, you find girls including lady teachers are sex starved. They ogle at man and would do anything to get their attention. Since Inari is a handsome young man with no romantic liaisons; girls will hit him more. Soon, Inari gets comfortable in his new job and start making love to every beautiful girl in his class whether it’s athletic Hana, nerdy Rock Star Rina, or hard to chase Sakura. Let’s follow his romantic adventure. We bet you would love to be part of this academy.
Game source: LargeHard
Game engine: unity
Game tags: Anal Blowjob Bukkake Cartoon Eroge Hentai HTML Interactive School Visual Novel