Swipe Ball. - You have 8 transparent balls flying on screen. Swipe any ball, it becomes a red cue ball just like billiards. This cue ball when hits another ball, the collided ball turns into violet colour. It remains violet for a very short time then it retains its transparent form. You must push this violet ball out of screen before it gets transparent. The only way to do is through colliding it with red ball. Like violet; red too retains its transparent form quickly. So, you must be fast in pushing violet balls out. You get 1 mark on throwing violet ball out. This way you will push out all balls except the last one out of screen. If you push all except last ball out of screen. You move one level up, the girl on screen starts dancing naked. There can be incidences where cue ball goes out of screen. When it does; your score decreases by 1 mark. If your score becomes 0, you move one level down and girl on screen puts her clothes back on. Your goal is to strip this cutie naked. Take this game to 7th level for this. Best of Luck.
Game source: stripparadise.com
Game engine: javascript
Game tags: HTML Pornstar Puzzle Strip Sex Toys