Jack on 4s - You see screen divided into two parts. Right part consists of whole deck with face open up while left side has two beautiful models. In card deck, you see a frame of 2x2 size i.e. it will cover 4 cards in one go. Your job is to find cards combination that results in black jack.
When you find black jack combination, just drag the frame there, click on ok button and you move to next level. As a prize, the girls will take off their top. Keep on doing this to watch their passionate love skill.
Now you may say what will happen if I don’t find black jack combination or my score goes higher than 21. In first situation, you may lose the game and go to one level down and in 2nd situation; you can click on refresh button. New Cards will come up.
This game is ideal to sharpen your mind skills. Play it to enhance its thinking
Game source: stripparadise.com
Game engine: javascript
Game tags: HTML Pornstar Strip