Captain Freemans Comic Compilation - We all have read comics. They are funny and good to read. These comics becomes even better if we add a dose of erotica in it. Don’t believe it? Follow Captain Freeman Comics up there and you will get idea. It’s a collection of different stories having prince, princesses, amazon queen, slaves, thieves and monsters. In every story, main lead whether male or female will make love. There are 8 stories having different themes. Keep in mind that there are no previous, forward buttons indicated. You have to do little guesswork here such as click on left side to go forward and click on right side to go on previous page. Read them we bet you would love to have such comics in your home. Hope someone publishes them soon.
Game source:
Game engine: animate
Game tags: Anal Blowjob Cartoon Futanari Hentai HTML Lesbian Orgy Tentacles