3Some Poker-2 - You are placed against two beautiful girls in poker game. Your goal is to undress both girls and watch their sensual love making.
For this, you need to beat them in Poker game. All of you have been provided set of 5 cards. You have to discard bad cards and steal good cards of your opponent.
If a card that is not fitting in your combination, discard it by covering your opponent card of same suit and lower number than yours. On doing this, good card (opponent one) will come to you, bad card will disappears and your opponent will get a new card. Same rule will apply to your opponents.
When you think you have the good combination, click on stand button to stop the set. Cards of all players would be compared. The girl with lowest combination strips to next level. In case, you get the lowest combination; you move back one level down.
Game source: stripparadise.com
Game engine: javascript
Game tags: Cards HTML Lesbian Pornstar Strip